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Do .igr files have to be in root of project to be found?

I am having a problem putting my .igr files into a subdirectory of my WPF project.

Uri reportUri = new Uri("/Bill;component/GenericInvoice.igr"UriKind.Relative);
works fine when GenericInvoice.igr is in the root of my project, but how can i put GenericInvoice.igr into a folder that houses my .igr files?  It seems
Uri reportUri = new Uri("/Bill/Invoices;component/GenericInvoice.igr", UriKind.Relative);
reports an error that it can't find GenericInvoice.igr
  • 14517
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Travis,

    As I mentioned on your other thread, when using a directory structure the syntax should be <assemblyname>;component/<directory name>/<report name>.

    In this case this would be Uri reportUri = new Uri("/Bill;component/Invoices/GenericInvoice.igr", UriKind.Relative);



    Valerie Developer Support Supervisor - XAML
