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DB Null Handling

pls find the attachment file ,

1. how to handle Dbnull error handling

2. i dont want to convert.tostring of dbnull value

3. if it possible to set property only , no need of checking in code

  • 23930
    Offline posted

    Hi Saravanan,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics Developer support.

    In order to sum those values you need to first check if the value is DBNull. That requires a small modification of your code. You should substitute the line on which you got the exception with:

                   Dim value = grdTest.Rows(icount).Cells(“Amount”).Value

                   dblAmount = dblAmount + If( value.Equals(DBNull.Value),Nothing,value)

    For your scenario (trying to get the sum of a column), there is another option. You could use UltraCalcManager and get the value by using its Calculate method.

    I have attached a sample which demonstrates this suggestion.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
  • 23930
    Offline posted

    Hello Saravanan,

    I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know if you need my further assistance on this issue.

    Thank you for using Infragistics Components.