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How To Bind A Report to A Datatable at Runtime

Hi Guys,

I read you help topic but I has absolutely no help in it!

1. I need to know how I bind a datatable at runtime to the reports datasource? I firstly want to specify which reprt to laod, and then massage the data that needs to go to that report.

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinReportViewer.ClientRenderSettings clientRenderSettings1 = new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinReportViewer.ClientRenderSettings();

clientRenderSettings1.DefinitionUri = new System.Uri("/SpyOps;component/Reports/TechTaskForAC.igr", System.UriKind.Relative);

this.ultraReportViewer1.RenderSettings = clientRenderSettings1;

//What happens next?

Maybe I should explain myself better:

What I am trying to do is Load a report into the ultrareportViewer1 dynamically, and then set the datasours eto a table that is a query from SQL.
