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Column Moving functionality is not working


I have Grid where in one column has column moving set to false with index 0. I am trying to move another column with column moving enabled to that index. The grid will allow while moving that column to the Index 0, but after reloading the Grid with the same positions and column settings the original column which was at Index 0 is remaining in that position instead of the moved column.

I am using below function to set the column positions:-

if (scenarioSpecGrdSet.columns.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < scenarioSpecGrdSet.columns.length; i++) {
$("#" + gridId).igGridColumnMoving("moveColumn", scenarioSpecGrdSet.columns[i].columnKey, scenarioSpecGrdSet.columns[i].newIndex, true, true);

Thanks in Advance,

Praveen Divekar