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Cannot get rowSelection (or other things) to work

I have and igGrid and am trying to find use right way of getting the selected row(s), its index, and values of cells in that row. My GRID has this features :

                features: [{
                    name: "RowSelectors",
                        enableCheckBoxes: false,
                        enableRowNumbering: true
                       name: "Selection",
                        mode: "row",
                        multipleSelection: false
                        name: "Sorting",
                        firstSortDirection: "ascending",
                        type: "local"                    

I went to this site example : and copied this code exactly :

    var rows = $("#grid").igGridSelection("selectedRows");
    apiViewer.log("The number of selected rows is: " + rows.length);
    $.each(rows, function (i, val) {
        apiViewer.log("Row with index " + val.index + " is selected");

and it doesnt work at all. I tried many things :

    //var idx = document.getElementById("rsGrid")._selectedRow.index;           // _selected_row undefined
    //var idx = $("#rsGrid")._selectedRow.index;                                            // _selected_row undefined

    var rows = $("#grid").igGridSelection("selectedRows");                      // works??
    $.each(rows, function (i, val) {
        var aa = "Row with index " + val.index + " is selected";                // val.index is undefined
        var cc = "Row with index " + val.index() + " is selected";              //  'index' is not a function
        var ID = $("#rsGrid").getCellValue(val.index, "idField");               // fails

Other things that do NOT work :

        var rows = $("#rsGrid").igGridSelection("selectedRows");
        if ( rows.length != 1 ) { }                                                   // rows.length is ALWAYS 1

        $('#rsGrid').igGridSelection('clearSelection');                        // does NOT clear the selection

The ONLY thing I could get to work is this :

        var grid = $("#rsGrid").data("igGrid");
        var idx  = grid._selectedRow.index;
        var ID   = grid.getCellValue(grid._selectedRow.index, "idField");

which is not the right way of coding it, as it uses an undocumented attribute and will NOT work for a multiple selection grid.

What am I doing wrong and why doesnt this work??

Thank you.