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Winschedule print issue

In the attached sample I have initialized the print document with the EndTime property set as :

ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndTime = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);

Run the attached sample and create a new appointment from 28-AUG-12:00AM to 29-AUG-12:00AM.

Set the view to Week View and Run Print preview.

The appointment gets printed for 27-AUG and 28-AUG.

  • 4625
    Offline posted

    Hello Nadeem,


    Thank you for posting in our forums!


    I reviewed the attached sample and followed your instructions for reproducing the issue, and I was not able to see the described behavior. I have tested the sample using 10.3 and Visual Studio 2010 with the first (.1000) and the last (.2145) specific releases. On both cases the print previews work as per your requirement. What I have noticed in your project (.csproj) file which was very strange for me is that you are using Infragistics components version 10.3, but in the Visual Studio project file (.csproj) shows that the version property of your Infragistics dynamic link library (.dll) files to be 7.2.20072.20. (like someone only have renamed the 7.2 assemblies ). So could you please confirm which exactly version along with the service release number of Infragistics you are using.


    On my machine the UltraSchedulePrintDocument preview shows the newly created appointment “TEST” on just one day - Thursday, August 28. Please refer to the following video:

    Can you provide me with additional information related to your Visual Studio and the full version of the Infragistics product that you are using?


    I am waiting for your response.

  • 4625
    Offline posted

    Hello Nadeem,

    I am checking about the progress of this issue.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance on it.

    Thank you for using Infragistics components!