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setting datasource cause events to fire more than once


My problem is that when I want to set dataSource after igGrid initialized with an empty dataSource which already been binded. So, when I set like this

$('#xxxx').igGrid('option', 'dataSource', data);

All the event in igGrid is call twice and more if I set it again.

I need to use like this because KnockoutJS cause a lot of performance with large records (10K+ records) when binding.

So, I have to manage the data manually then return it as JSON array object instead and set it to the grid and use it to refresh data, to update and etc. - This is example that after setting the data and the problem with rowSelectionChanged to fire twice to console.

Do you have any suggestion to workout this scenerio?

Thank you

  • 10685
    Offline posted

    Hello Gunn,


    Thank you for noticing this behavior!

    This issue has being already fixed and it is to be released with our next Service Releases for versions 14.1 and 14.2 of IgniteUI. Currently, the scheduled date for making this fix public is December 12, 2014.

    You could find more details at:


    What is more, I will create a private case for you and link the case to the development issue, so you receive an email when this fix is public.