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IgCombo Filtering Bug / Unexpected Behaviour

We founded a possible bug in igCombo using multiSelection and filtering

or at least we don't understand how the filter is working.

The filter text is not reset after closing the drowdown, 

so the dropdown remains filtered and there is no way to "see" other items 

except searching some other words

or adding ", " (that is our separator)

We were not able to find a way to solve the issue, 

- we tried to bind again every time the dropdown is closed but i don't like this approach.

- we tried removing multiSelection: 'onwithcheckboxes' and the behaviour is the one we expected, the dropdown clears the filter every time it opens the ddl, but we need multiselection so we can't accept that solution.

- we tried adding ", " to the text field after closing the ddl but it's not working

This is the jsfiddler to reproduce the error

do you know a way to clear the filter ?

i would put it in the igcombodropdownclosed 

to show other items re-opening the dropdown 

