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WebDataTree in 2 columns

Currently, I have a WebDataTree with 264 items. I would like to display the tree in 2 columns.  I could create a second tree and display to the side but I want to know if there is a configuration or attributes that would do it for me.

This is what it currently looks like:







I would like it to display as this:

+Data1                   +Data133

+Data2                   +Data134

+Data3                   +Data135

+Data4                   +Data136

...                           ...

+Data132               +Data264



  • 2895
    Verified Answer

    Hello Gloria,

    Thank you for using our Forum.

    I would like to let you know that there is no attribute that can separate the tree in two columns. You should implement two WebDataTrees to display the data as you require.

    If I can further assist you, please let me know.