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UltraWebGrid virtualScrolling.


We are trying to implement virtual scrolling using the UltraWebGrid.

The rows in the grid are non-hierarchical.

We used Browser="XML" in UltraWebGrid and LoadOnDemand="Xml" XmlLoadOnDemandType="Accumulative" RowsRange="50" under DisplayLayout.

We also added the InitializeDataSource event where we load the dataSource (Sql DataTable) to the grid.

gridMatrixDetails.DataSource = mySQLDataTable


The grid loads without any error & we see first 50 records. However, as we scroll down to get the next set of 50 records, we get a 'refresh' icon on the grid momentarily. However, the next set of 50 records are not loaded. We still see the 50 records that were loaded initially.

We do not get any javascript / .net errors either.

Please advise or provide sample code.

