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Problem with the virtualization and the cellClick event


I'm using the virtualization (with the mode as 'continuous'), the groupBy feature, and i'm handling the cellClick event.

To not handling any cellclick event for the collapse/expand button of the row, i'm testing the value of the colKey (for the collapse/expand, it's normally undefined). 

The problem is that with the virtualization set on, the rows are reused, and that creates a bug in the returned data in the cellClick event for some groups: the colKey has the value of the next column instead of having undefined, and the rowIndex and rowKey have the value of 1 ( the values have been reset or taken from the first row).

To be sure that it was not in my code, i've tried the sample of the website for the virtualization in JsFiddle, changed it in order to support the features that i need, and i can reproduce the bug.

Could you please help me with that ?


  • 15320
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello LawsonQc,

    Please note that in case that you have a grouped column, the column index argument of cellClick event represents the index of the respective DOM element, which is different than the column index in the data source collection, due to the fact that there is an additional data-skip column after grouping. About the rowKey argument value there is two possible cases:

    1) the grid has primaryKey defined - in this case the rowKey is represented by the 'data-id' attribute of the respective <tr> element.

    2) the grid has no primaryKey defined - in this case the rowKey equals to the rowIndex

    Since the API documentation does not give correct and complete enough description of 'cellClick' event arguments, we will update it with the appropriate information accordingly.

    Please keep in mind the above mentioned things and let me know if they cancel your concerns about having a bug. Waiting for your response.

