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Delete Occurs but then gives 'Requested record cannot be found by key'

Hi I have a WebHierarchicalDataGrid with parent-child rows.  I want the user to select a row and press a delete button outside of the grid to delete the selected row.  Sounds simple.  I implemented a javascript function to delete the selected row.  It deletes it but right after the delete it gives this error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Requested record cannot be found by key.

The error comes fromt he ScriptResource.axd? and is stopped at "throw error;" in the code below:











function PageRequestManager$_endPostBack(error, executor, data) {




if (this._request === executor.get_webRequest()) {




this._processingRequest = false;




this._additionalInput = null;




this._request = null;





var eventArgs = new

Sys.WebForms.EndRequestEventArgs(error, data ? data.dataItems : {}, executor);



this, "endRequest", eventArgs);




if (error && !eventArgs.get_errorHandled()) {




throw error;

Again, it actually deletes the row but afterwards posts the error above.

If I hit the 'Delete' key on my keyboard to delete a row it works without error.

Also, my delete stored procedure that is called on a delete, will delete both records in the parent table and child tables.

Any help would be appreciated.  thanks!


  • 125
    Offline posted

    Try turnibg off AutoCRUD.  I have had a similar problem and it appears that if AutoCRUD is true then the control tries to delete before or after your delete.


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