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How to call server funtion from client and assign to Webdatagrid cell?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a WebDataGrid having columns "TimeIn", "TimeOut", and "Duration" etc. When leaving the cell TimeOut the value in Duration should be auto populate.

Now when TimeOut exitedEditingMode, I need to pass the TimeIn and TimeOut value as parameter to a server function, in order to calculate the Duration and the rest(The Calculation is base on many conditions so need to be done in server side procedures). After getting a datatable from server, system need to assign back all the values to the cell.

I'm not sure how to call the server function in the ExitedEditingMode javascipt. Please advise. Thanks a lot.

function grd_MHC_ExitedEditMode(sender, e) {

var cellKey = e.getCell().get_column().get_key();

if (cellKey == "TimeOut")


var TimeInCellText = e.getCell().get_row().get_cellByColumnKey("TimeIn").get_value();

var TimeOutCellText = e.get_Editor().get_currentValue();

var cellToUpdate = e.getCell().get_row().get_cellByColumnKey("Duration");




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