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RowSelectionChanged on webdatagrid does not work.
I want to show a button on select of a Grid row , I am using  RowSelectionChanged  event to enable the button .when i debug on my local the event is fired immediately but which should enable the button on the page ...  but my button is still disabled.

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                object[] o = { "abhi""USA" };
                object[] o1 = { "arjun""USA" };
                object[] o2 = { "vijaya""USA" };
            Grid.DataSource = dt;
            EditButton.Enabled = false;
        protected void Grid_RowSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectedRowEventArgs e)
            EditButton.Enabled = true;

    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">   </asp:ScriptManager>   
    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="Grid" runat="server" EnableAppStyling="False" EnableAjax="True" EnableAjaxViewState="true" Height="150px" EnableDataViewState="True"
       AutoGenerateColumns="False"  OnRowSelectionChanged="Grid_RowSelectionChanged" >
                                                                <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Name" Key="Name" Width="200px" 
                                                               <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Address" Key="Address" Width="200px" DataFormatString="">
                                                       <ig:Selection Enabled="true"  RowSelectType="Single" CellClickAction="Row">
                                                          <AutoPostBackFlags RowSelectionChanged="True" ></AutoPostBackFlags>  
                               <asp:Button runat="server" ID="EditButton"  Text="EDIT"/>
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