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GanttChart - chart size and series


I have a few questions regarding the UltraChart as a GanttChart.

1. I want to display a GanttChart with multiple Series. My problem here is that the chart automatically fits to it's container and if I include mutliple series the items are too small. I don't want to have a scrollbar in the chart itself but I want the scrollbar in it's container panel. I don't want to set a fixed height of the UltraChart in code. So is it possible to prevent the Chart from fitting to it's Container automatically? Maybe it is possible to set a fixed item height etc.?

2. If I set the SeriesSpacing > 0 the GridLines are drawn though the spacing area. Is there a possibility to disable that behaviour?

3. Is it possible to show a boder line around one series? Or to set it's background color? I want to emphasize the start and end of each series in the chart.


Thanks in advance for your help.





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