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html in ultrawingrid


Good afternoon

I have a database that contains html commands to format the text type .

When I show the data from grid data in the html controls appear as normal text .

I want to know if there is any property that I run these commands in html grid ..

For example put a word in bold by placing < b > Word < / b >

Thank you

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    There's no built-in support in the grid for displaying Html. Does your data have to be html? Or can you change it to another format?

    The grid can show formatted text, which is a custom xml format similar to html. It has support for colors and fonts and links like html, but it's not the same as html. So if you can change the data, that would probably work.

    If you can't change the data, then another option might be to try to use an html control embedded in the grid via the ControlContainerEditor. I don't know if the html control in windows will work for this, though. Some windows controls don't support the Draw method on Control so they won't work. This is try of the RichTextBox control, for example, so I suspect it might be true of the html / webbrowser control, as well.

    A third option would be to use FormattedText and write some code to convert html into the custom format. There are no existing methods to do the conversion, though, you would have to handle this yourself. As I said, the formats are very similar, so depending on the content of your html, you might not have to do much for the conversion.

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