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Migrate to WebHierarchicalDataGrid from UltraWebGrid

I have application using UltraWebGrid but want to upgrade to WebHierarchicalDataGrid. I am now evaluating Infragistics Ultimate 2014 vol. 1. 

My application has 4 bands and only the 4th band is allowed to edit when I have pressed "Edit" button. Then, data will be saved in database only when I have pressed "Save" button. The columns in WebHierarchicalDataGrid are written in code behind using C#. Therefore, I create EditingCore and CellEditing behaviors in RowIslandDataBinding() function. 

Here is my grid in aspx:

<ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="gvBudgetTree" runat="server" AutoGenerateBands="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
Height="1350px" Width="1050px" OnInitializeRow="gvBudgetTree_InitializeRow" OnRowIslandDataBinding="gvBudgetTree_RowIslandDataBinding"
OnRowUpdating="gvBudgetTree_RowUpdating" OnRowIslandDataBound="gvBudgetTree_RowIslandDataBound" OnRowUpdated="gvBudgetTree_RowUpdated"
CssClass="ighg_Container" EnableDataViewState="True" EnableAjax="True" EnableViewState="true">
<ig:Paging EnableInheritance="false" PagerMode="Numeric" Enabled="true"></ig:Paging>

In C#,

PageLoad() - Prepare dataset, prepare grid columns, bind data

InitializeRow() - prepare the coloring in columns. 

RowIslandDataBinding() - create EditingCore and CellEditing behaviors

RowIslandDataBound() - testing for event firing

RowUpdating() - testing for event firing

RowUpdated() - testing for event firing

However, I found that RowUpdating() and RowUpdated() are never fired. Do I miss anything? Also, I would like to know my approach is correct (create behavior in RowIslandDataBinding())? 


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