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2014.2 Typescript Definition file does not compile (igniteui.d.ts)

I just upgraded to 2014.2, and the new typescript definition file does not compile because there are a few problems:

  1. IgTileManager.items should be type 'any' instead of type 'string' (or better yet an interface defined to describe the objects in the array).
  2. The following classes will not compile because they overload a function in their base class, and the signatures are incompatible:
    1. EditorProviderDefault
    2. EditorProviderCombo
    3. EditorProviderRating
    4. EditorProviderCheckbox
    5. SelectedRowsCollection 
    6. SelectedCellsCollection
  3. The interface extension for JQuery with igDatePicker that you use to get an option does not work because the interface for IgDatePicker is too ambiguous.  When you try to use $( "#myDate" ).igDatePicker( "option", "value" ); it cannot tell the difference between the 'optionName: string' method and the 'options: IgDatePicker' method.
  4. Most (if not all) the charts have their width and height options set to type 'number'.  They should be of type 'any' so that they can accept strings as well as numbers (as the options are defined in the api docs)
  5. All of the "Param" interfaces for events and methods are empty.
Some of these I have reported before, but I figured I would mention them all at once here for completion of all the issues that I am aware of. 
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  • 15320
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    Hello rsimm,

    Our developers informed me that most of the issues that you've addressed about typescript definition file are fixed. I'm attaching the file here.

    Please let me know if you have further questions.

