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Migrating from an UltraExplorerBar


I'm not sure I'm in the right place to post this message. 

I'm currently working on migrating some windows forms into WPF usercontrols. 

One of this form contains an UltraExplorerBar which is very basic : three container controls ; in each container, there is a treeview. 

I would like to know what is the best infragistics wpf control to transform the UltraExplorerBar. 

I noticed that the style of the UltraExplorerBar is very similar to the xamOutlookBar.

I made a sample and the only things that may be a problem are these two : 

is there a way to mask the bottom of the xamOutlookBar, the part with the add/remove buttons / show fewer buttons / ... feature ? (I dont want users to have access to this because my three groups cant be modify)

is there a way to mask the header of a group when I click on the corresponding button ? For my application, having twice the same information is not wanted ?