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I can not get the igtbl_getCellById of a cell of a webdatagrid infragistics v11

I'm migrating a UltraWebGrid to webdatagrid v11.2 but I can not get the igtbl_getCellById of a cell of a webdatagrid infragistics v11. and link it to a similar reference is disabled help please

function ClickBTabla(gridName, cellId)

var cell = igtbl_getCellById(cellId); //aqui genera el error (Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected)
var renglon = igtbl_getRowById(cellId);




//mostrar otro formulario


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  • 355

    Thank you very much for the prompt reply Hristo A
    raises the following question I hope you can help me thank you very much in advance

    My code is as follows

    it is a User Control and my board if loading data

    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="TablaGrid" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="400px" HeaderCaptionCssClass="Header"
    <ig:EditingCore AutoCRUD="false">
    <ig:RowAdding Enabled="false" AddNewRowCssClass="stylenewbox" />
    <ig:Paging PagerMode="NumericFirstLast" PageSize="1000000000">
    <ClientEvents Click="ClickBTabla" DoubleClick="TablaGrid_DblClickHandler" />

    the columns to be loaded are specified from the server side.

    the question is whether the
    <ClientEvents Click = "ClickBTabla" DoubleClick = "TablaGrid_DblClickHandler" />

    in automatic corresponding values are sent to my function as probe you sent me in response and my value is null. or do I need to specify which columns should show from design. or that's what I need. not that I'm doing wrong my function remains the same

    ClickBTabla function (gridname, cellid)

    // add here that you sent me in a reply

    switch (cell.Column.Key)

    // show another form

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