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line between owners?

I'd like to have a more visible separation between owners. I could color the timeslots, but do you have any suggestion? 

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  • 23930
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Virginia,

    Thank you for posting in our forums.

    What you could do in this case is to use the DrawFilter interface to draw the borders around the owners in the DayView. For more information on the DrawFilter interface, please visit this link:

    In the GetPhasesToFilter method of the DrawFilter you need to get the GroupUIElement which contains the different owners and then return its AfterDrawChildElements phase. In the DrawElement method, you could use the drawParams argument’s DrawBorder method in order to create a bigger separation between the owners.

    I have attached a sample which demonstrates this suggestion.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
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