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Drag Drop Framework and Floating Windows

I've got an issue where I can drag/drop in the Dock Manager between the document host and the content panes using the DragDrop framework.  But when a content pane comes out into a separate window, all of a sudden the DragDrop framework refuses to recognize it as a drop target.

Is there a known issue with the DragDrop framework that says it doesn't support multiple windows (dragging from one window to another)?  Or is there something subtle going on in the xamDockManager that is interfering with the behavior of drag/drop?

Any help would be appreciated.  I found an extremely dated article that says drag/dropping between different xamDockManagers is not supported.  But we are only using one, with a content pane that is floating:

Please let me know.  I can also try to create a repro if needed.

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