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XamComboEditor shows object name Text - IsEditable = true


XamComboEditor displays the object name in the dropdown selected area. IsEditable set to True and Text property bound to view model property.

Text="{Binding FirstName, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"

ItemsSource="{Binding Path=EmmployeeList, Mode=TwoWay}"

Any help on this issue is highly appreciated.

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  • 34510
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    I want to make you aware that your account's Trial subscription has expired.  Looking at your company details they have a priority key with many seats available.  I recommend that you register your account to this priority key so that your account can benefit from priority support.

    As for your issue, if you do not specify a DisplayMemberPath for the XamComboEditor then I would expect that the object name would be displayed.  DisplayMemberPath is what controls what text is shown in the editor.  I also don't recommend binding to the Text property.  What do you need this property for?  If you are trying to use this to determine what item has been selected then you should bind to the Value/SelectedValue property instead.  Make sure that you set the ValuePath/SelectedValuePath before using Value/SelectedValue.

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