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ultraLegend Colors

I have an ultraDataChart and an ultraLegend.  The legend colors doesn't match the chart colors.  It does match the text, and shape, just not the color.  My series is a pointseries, so there are no lines.  I would expect this to follow the MarkerBrush colors because there are no lines.  So the legend is useless if the colors don't match.

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    Well, none of the images would post, and there was a delay until it posted the empty page.  I just now realized that I could go to options and attach an image.

    I figured out the problem.  On a PointSeries there are no lines to display and thus Brush has no effect on the display of the chart, however that is what's attached to the legend.

    My fix is this

    MarkerBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.Navy),
    Brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.Navy)

    I would highly recommend that if PointSeries is used, and MarkerBrush is set, to set the Brush automatically behind the scene so that the legend will display properly.

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