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Running Total in XamDataGrid using XamCalculationManager


Is there a way of doing running totals within the XamCalculationManager/XamDataGrid setup?

I'm open to any alternate strategies that anyone can suggest! :-)


1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 15
6 21
7 28
8 36

Sample project attached (see field MyCalc2).


No Data
  • 4850
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Steve,

    Yes you can implement running totals easily since the formula supports relative references. Here is an example of a running total for 'Prop1':

    Formula="IF( IsError( [RunningTotal(-1)]), [//StartingValue], [RunningTotal(-1)] + [Prop1])" 

    Note: that the 'IF' function takes 3 parameters:

    1. The test condition: in this case IsError([RunningTotal(-1)]). This is needed because the first record doesn't have anything above it.
    2. The value to return if the condition above is true, in this case [//StartingValue]. This can be any reference, formula or a constant value like 0.
    3. The value to return if the condition above is false, in this case [RunningTotal(-1)] + [Prop1].

    Also be aware that there is a property exposed off FieldLayoutSettings named CalculationScope that governs which record references are returned when using these relative indices. The possible values are:

    • FilteredSortedList - default
    • FullSortedList
    • FullUnsortedList

    I hope this helps.
