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How to change color of XamDataGrid cell colour if value has been editied


I'm relatively new to WPF and I've just started to use the Infragistics controls. I'm binding the XamDataGrid to a databasebase table and I trying to modify the XamDataGrid so that if a user modifies a cell value that the background colour changes and if the value is reverted back to the original value then the colour changes back to the default unedited colour. Is there any examples of this or similar that I can look at?



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  • 27093

    Hello Gary,


    I have been looking into a your enquiry and it is very similar to another forum post you might like to look through: . To sum it up, there is no built-in functionality to support that, and the only available approaches would rely on preserving such information in the visual elements like the cell controls (CellValuePresenter) or editors, which are in most cases virtualized/recycled. This would cause such information to be reassigned to ne cells or lost. The best thing you can do is preserve the information for the desired color in your data source and simply bind to it.


    Please let me know, if I can be of any further assistance on the matter.

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