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Decimal and thousand separators


I have a WebDataGrid with a decimal column and its own editor:

<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName ="HORAS_LABORABLES" Key ="HORAS_LABORABLES"

Header-CssClass ="HorasLaborables" Width ="120" CssClass="Right" DataType ="System.Decimal" DataFormatString ="{0:N2}">
<Header Text ="Horas laborables"></Header>

<ig:NumericEditorProvider ID ="Horas">
<EditorControl ClientIDMode="Predictable" runat ="server" DataMode="Decimal" MaxDecimalPlaces="2" >

But by default, the decimal separator is “,” and the thousand separator is “.”, but I need just the opposite. I need the “.” as the decimal separator and “,” as the thousand separator.  How can I define the decimal and thousand separator on the NumericEditorProvider?

Thanks for your help.

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    Thank you for using our forum.

    You can set the Culture property in your editor to en-US for example and the decimal separator will be ‘.’.

    <ig:NumericEditorProvider ID ="Horas">
    <EditorControl ClientIDMode="Predictable" runat ="server" DataMode="Decimal" MaxDecimalPlaces="2" Culture="en-US"

    Please let me know if I can provide any further assistance.
