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XamGrid PersistenceManager - Troubleshooting - Unable to Persist persist Hierarchical XamGrid

Are there any diagnostic features available with the Persistence Framework?


My standalone version works as expected.  When I apply a hierarchical XamGrid to a custom eTrading framework the uses MEF, Jason Serialization, User Persistence, persistence fails with no exception or hint. If I revert to the previous version of the XamGrid, that has non-hierarchical  or is flat, persistence works as expected.

 Support Ticket:


Michael Perini

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    Given there was no response the assumption is there are no diagnostic features available for the Persistence Framework :-( 

    I decided to take a different approach, replacing ig:ColumnLayout with ig:TempateColumnLayout. 

    And thanks to Rob from Infragistics this step is now completed, converters were required to complete the task.

    This thread should be marked completed.

