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Add child row to web hierarchical data grid - how to turn off animation?


When we add a new child row (band) in the web hierarchical data grid - there appears to be animation which we would like to turn off.

Not sure how to turn off this from happening - I have attached a short video to show you what it is doing:

1. Row fading from blue to clear (takes too long)

2. Other CSS (grey cells) then experience a delay in rendering.

Do we have any options to be able to stop this so the row just appears without any effects?

Thanks... M 

  • 1740
    Offline posted

    Hello Marcus,

    It looks like this is custom animation implementation. We can only provide support for the default styles and animations.

    If you believe that the issue is caused by the Infragistics product, please specify why and provide a working sample demonstrating the issue.

    Best Regards,
    Aleksandar Kamenov
    Entry-level Software Developer
    Infragistics, Inc.

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