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SharePlus and not working

Hi all


We're using claims based authentication on our SharePoint 2010 collaboration site.
The site is extended to the following zones:

  • Default Zone (intranet access for internal users)
  • Internet Zone (internet acceess for external partners, published with TMG, Anonymous Authentication)
  • Extranet Zone (extranet access for internal users, published with TMG, Windows Integrated Authentication)

We're using Claims Based Authentication, with Forms- and Windows authentication enabled on all zones.

We've implemented the solution, so that users do not have to choose the authentication method, but are automatically redirected to the correct authentication method. The solution is configured like this:

  • Default Zone: use Windows Auth
  • Internet Zone: use Froms Auth
  • Extranet Zone: use Windows Auth


SharePlus is correctly working within the Default and Internet Zone.
SharePlus is not working within the Extranet Zone. (Error: the access is forbidden. This error may be caused by an incorrect authentication method or a mis spelled url.)


When we try to access the site, TMG successfully authenticates the user and forwards the credentials. But in the IIS Log we can just see the following error:
POST /_vti_bin/Webs.asmx - 8081 - SharePlus+1.6.8+Linux+3.4.0-876741 403 0 0 608

In the ULS Log i can see the following error:
Unknown SPRequest error occurred. More information: 0x80070005

When we access the site with a browser, we can see the following requests:
GET / - 8081 - 403 0 0 46
GET /_layouts/Authenticate.aspx Source=%2F 8081GET /_login/autosignin.aspx ReturnUrl=%2f_layouts%2fAuthenticate.aspx%3fSource%3d%252F&Source=%2F 8081 - 302 0 0 31
GET /_windows/default.aspx ReturnUrl=%2f_layouts%2fAuthenticate.aspx%3fSource%3d%252F&Source=%2F 8081 - 401 0 0 0
GET /_windows/default.aspx ReturnUrl=%2f_layouts%2fAuthenticate.aspx%3fSource%3d%252F&Source=%2F 8081 - 401 1 2148074254 31
GET /_windows/default.aspx ReturnUrl=%2f_layouts%2fAuthenticate.aspx%3fSource%3d%252F&Source=%2F 8081 0#.w|domain\user1 302 0 0 155
GET /_layouts/Authenticate.aspx Source=%2F 8081 0#.w|domain\user1 302 0 0 46
GET / - 8081 0#.w|domain\user1 200 0 0 31
GET /SitePages/Homepage.aspx - 8081 0#.w|domain\user1 200 0 0 514

I think that SharePoint cannot handle the "POST /_vti_bin/Webs.asmx" request as the first request with implemented.


Do you have any chance of changing the behavior of SharePlus to support environments with

Or do you have any other idea of resolving our issue?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

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  • 9750
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Jens,

    Thank you for posting at IG forums!

    You seem to have a pretty special scenario and I'd assume that the efforts put into this solution imply that you're dealing with a rather large user base. Is this correct?

    If yes, I'd like to contact you directly in order to evaluate a customized solution for you that could integrate this authentication mechanism.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

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