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How do I add a SharePoint site to SharePlus? (SharePlus iOS)


I'm used to working with SharePoint in my PC or Mac but I don't understand what I need to do in SharePlus in order to add a site and start using the app.


To add, and connect, to a new site in SharePlus you'll need the site's URL, your user name and password and, if needed, the domain.

Knowing the site URL is simple. Just log in to your site in your PC or Mac and copy the first part of the URL you've input in the address bar:

In this case, the URL is You only need

It's important to note that the URL must point to a site or a subsite. If you put the URL to a list or an item, SharePlus will fail to connect.

The username and password (and domain) are the same you use in your PC or Mac:

Now that you have this information, let's see how to add it to SharePlus.

Launch SharePlus in your iPad or iPhone then tap the Add Site button in SharePlus' home screen:

Name your site (how you want it to be called in the home screen) then put the site URL in the URL field. You will have to select an Authentication Mode. If the dialog in which you put your credentials in your PC is like the 2nd photo in this post, select Windows Based; if the login dialog is like photo 3, select Office 365. If your site uses Forms Authentication, select Forms Based and if you login in a custom web page, select Web Login.

Now you'll have to save your credentials in an account in SharePlus:

Here you'll put your Domain, User Name and Password. It's OK to leave the domain field blank if you don't usually include the domain in your credentials.

You may save all now. You're ready to browse your site.

To start navigating the site you just added simply tap its name in the left navigator.

If your site requires client-side certificates please read this post from one of our Evangelists, Anand Raja:

 "SharePlus: How to use Client-side Certificates"

I hope this helps you getting started with SharePlus.

Take care,