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  • Ajax Control Tool Kit and UltraWebGrid

    We use the auto complete and calendar controls from ajax control tool kit. However, the pop up of the these two controls is always blocked by the UltraWebGrid. We tried to play around the z-index for both auto complete and calendar control. We even set the…

  • UltraWebGrid (with Async Callbacks involved) - Adds (or deletes) more rows when you're not looking!


    I have a situation where I have an UltraWebGrid that resides on an UltraWebTab control.  I have client-side buttons for adding/deleting rows from the grid.  This grid behaves pefectly normal when I don't include any AJAX functionality.  However…

  • Row Alternate style doesn't work on child row after XML update.


    I've been using UltraWebGrid based on the AJAX Live Demo sample that you have.  It works fine for my needs but if I have child rows on the grid then I get the following exception at update:

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: '_AltCssClass' is null…

  • How to Bind WebdateChooser to webgrid column in client side?

    Hi guys,

    I want to bind a web date chooser to a column in a web grid in the client side using javascript, i.e when i click on the cell, a web date chooser should pop up.

    If u guys have any idea,plz help?

  • CSS Classes order in UltraWebGrid


    I'm using css classes for ultrawebgrid control. I have 5 css classes for headerstyle, framestyle, alternaterowsstyle etc.

    Is there any specific order to create css classes in the stylesheet file.

    Some times I'm not getting the applied styles…

  • WebGrid selection to filter another WebGrid

    Oops..I placed in the wrong Discussion group.



    I am trying to filter a webgrid based on another webgrid's selection.  When the page is first loaded my toBeFilteredGrid shows all rows and my selectionGrid defaults to one of the rows (selected…

  • Multi-column filtering in AJAX mode

    Hi all,

    I've encountered a problem today where I have an UltraWebGrid in AJAX mode that is "forgetting" filters when the page does a postback. Here's the setup:

     1. Grid has paging enabled.
     2. The InitializeDataSource method is handled…

  • Can I display the grid Progress Indicator?

    I have a custom XMLHttpRequest link on each row of my grid.  When my users click on it I'd like to display the same progress indicator (the spinning arrows) that shows for sorting and filtering while waiting for the response.  Can anyone tell me how…

  • UltraWebGridDocumentExporter does not work when used in User Control?

    I'm having trouble getting a PDF export to work when I put my grid into a User Control. The same code works fine when it lives in its own aspx page. Are there any known issues with this?

    - All the User controls are inside a WebAsyncRefreshPanel:


  • webgrid and updatepanel problem

    I am using v5.3. Have webgrid inside in AJAX Updatepanel.

    Also have javascript to handle Cell Click. After page has been post, this event does not fire.

    Fire only once before page posted. Works fine without Update panel.

    Any help?