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  • Infragistics - show/hide columns in code (not using default column chooser dialog)

    I have implemented custom column chooser dialog. When user submit changes I have two arrays:
    keysOfColumnsToShow (example: ['key1', 'key2', ...])
    keysOfColumnsToHide (example: ['key3', 'key4', ...])

    I have debugged and keys are fine. Now I try to…

  • Hiding a column

    How to hide a column and make it visible only if it passes for certain conditions.

  • Hidden date column causes error only in 2017.2

    I just updated my ignite version and came across a strange error.
    "Cannot read property 'column' of null"
    After some debugging I found that it was due to hidden date fields.

    I set up a very basic grid to verify that it was in fact the…

  • Question about the hidden columns


    I am using igGrid in an MVC3 project, this project supports multiple languages, that means I should set the column header text with global resources. I found that the columns I set to hidden is working fine in English, but not in other language…

  • IgGrid with hidding feature select columns in client side in cicle


    I have my iggrid in MVC3, I'm using version 2011.2, I wonder if it is possible to use the feature Hidding, I can hide all the columns, and make a loop to display only the columns that are needed.

    I want to do client side, it will be possible…

  • jQuery Grids and Responsive Web Design

    Responsive Web Design and jQuery GridsResponsive Web Design has been abuzz for some time now. In case you just now clash with the term, it’s a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices. Basically, a CSS3 / JavaScript…

  • jQuery Grids with Multi-Column Headers

    jQuery Grids Multi-Column HeadersIf you’ve been reading the latest blog about the Column Moving feature of the Ignite UI Grid I’ve briefly mentioned Multi-column Headers. Well, just in case you missed it – that’s a fairly recent addition too! Through a very simple (and logical…

  • Responsive Web Design with jQuery Grids: A closer look

    Responsive Web Design with jQuery GridsI really hope I got you excited about the Responsive Web Design mode for the Ignite UI Grids last time – as it is the kind of an unique feature that truly makes this jQuery control stand out! As previously explained it’s not exactly a simple thing to…

  • Introduction to Column Hiding in jQuery igGrid

    Column Hiding is one of the igGrid features bundled into NetAdvantage for jQuery. It will enable an igGrid user to alter the amount of information he sees by hiding certain columns or revealing ones that might have been hidden. This is quite helpful since…

  • Re: WebDataGrid's columns do not hide in AJAX mode while their Hidden property is set to true

    The version that I use is

    Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003



    I could not find the version that you mention - 9.2.20092.2061 - on the website.

    Is it published yet?

    (IG website says that some…

  • WebDataGrid's columns do not hide in AJAX mode while their Hidden property is set to true

    I have a WebDataGrid, a multiselect WebDropDown above it and an "Apply" button

    All are placed in one UpdatePanel.

    The WebDropDown is populated with the columns of the WebDataGrid and the user can check the multiselect ceckboxes of the WebDropDown…

  • How to hide a column in web data grid

    I am using web data grid in my web application. I am trying to hide one of the columns in my web data grid, but i dont see any property for that. Am i missing some thing here?

    I have tried setting VisibleIndex = -1, but did't work. Is there a way to…

  • Re: How to resize columns in code behind

    I worked out an even better solution that provides me much more control over the columns by creating generic bound columns in the code behind.  I can then manipulate all of the attributes available to a traditional bound column.  Here is my code (thank…