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  • How to create a dynamic webdatechooser in Javascript...

    A fairly urgent issue / question:

    I am currently creating a dynamic table in Javascript that has changes it's editors (i.e. drop down list, check box, text box etc) depending on selected choices the user makes (i.e. if they select an item from the list…

  • not able to hide WebDateChooser using css- visibility : hidden


    I have a HTML  table in which I have a webDateChooser, and using a css class I am hidding whole HTML  table.

    My css contains visibility : hidden field. But every thing is getted hidden except the WebDateChooser control.

     Why this is happening?


  • WebDateChooser with no javascript enabled


    I have a webdatechooser that I want to be able to use in the event that a user has javascript disabled.

    It still appears although the date picker obviously does not work. However, if you manually enter a date mm/dd/yyyy, on postback, the contents…

  • WebDateChooser ==> IE7 : Cant Init script for webdatechooser

    Using : .NET Vol 3. for 3.5

    The webdatechooser in on a webpanel. The webpanel resides in an UpdatePanel. No code was added for the control yet. I just wanted to see what the control looked like with the style presets....

    Unfortunately, IE states "Cant…

  • Getting value user typed into inputBox for WebDateChooser

    How do I get the entire value that the user typed into the inputBox as they're typing it not after the control loses focus?

    I know that the keycode can be retrieved, but I'd like the entire value, not just a single character.

    I have the code…

  • ClientSide Event not triggered


    When i try to invoke a client side event of Infragistics WebDateChooser, I get a message "Can't eval javascript :methodname();" in the status bar of the IE. Kindly help me on why it is failing.


    igsch:webdatechooser ID="dtChooserStart…