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  • Merging Cells with the Infragistics jQuery Grids

    Merged Cells is a new addition to the arsenal of features in the jQuery Grids by Infragistics, even though it is introduced as CTP (Community Technology Preview) for the first release of 2012. Like with most features this one is also realized and managed…

  • Webcombo in WebGrid doesn't show when using cell.beginEdit() in FireFox

     Hi All,

     I have come across a problem in firefox. I have a webgrid with webcombo on a page, (ajax enabled and uses update panel) I have also added the webgrid CellClickHandler on client.

    Basically, if a user first click on a cell, another webgrid on the…

  • Re: Ultrawebgrid with hyperlink column



    Thanks for the suggestion. But This is causing same effect as TargetURL. It opens a new minimised window.

    I need to open a new window with focus on it & position as centre of the screen.


    Plz help