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  • how to listview dragdropmanager dragover reorder listviewitem?

    I'm use listview in the dragdropmanager here my xaml

    <ListView Grid.Row="1" AllowDrop="True" ItemsSource="{Binding RecipeSeqList}" SelectionMode="Single">


  • how to wpf listview dragdropmanager dragover listviewitem reorder?

    I'm use listview in the dragdropmanager. this is my xaml

    <ListView Grid.Row="1" AllowDrop="True" ItemsSource="{Binding RecipeSeqList}" SelectionMode="Single">


  • MessageBox Displayed when one Checkbox is checked within ListView

    I have a ListView with several checkboxes contained that are loaded from a database. For just one of these checkboxes, I'd like to have a messagebox display when it is checked. I will then capture the answer to that question as data.

    I would think…

  • MessageBox Displayed when one Checkbox is checked within ListView

    I have a ListView with several checkboxes contained that are loaded from a database. For just one of these checkboxes, I'd like to have a messagebox display when it is checked. I will then capture the answer to that question as data.

    I would think…

  • Grid lines/border in UltraListView


    Is there any possibility to create a UltraListView with a row/column borders for each object property ? 

    I saw a few topics with answers that the control doesn't support displaying borders around the items/sub-items but it was over 13 years ago…

  • jQuery Mobile Controls by Infragistics

    With the jQuery product Infragistics envisioned business intelligence and data visualization across a range of platforms, not just one – more like every single one of them. Built on popular and largely supported HTML5 and jQuery UI and striving to provide…

  • Re: Setting Active Tab on Page load

    Hopefully the following info will help someone else.  I was finally able to determine why I couldn't set the SelectedIndex on pageload.  It's definitely a Infragistics bug, but at least I figure it out and found a way around it.

    The Problem... a…

  • Get values from multi column list view

    Good morning,

    I have a control showing as a SwfListView in our application.  The list has 2 columns.  I can get the item count with the code below and the value of the first column. How do I get the associated value in the 2nd column?

    'Build the output…

  • How to show (as like Vista) column headers for all the Views (List,Icons,Tiles & Thumbnails) like Details view

    Hello There,

                    I am using an UltraWinListview to show the files & folders details as like explorer and in that I wanted to show (as Vista) the column headers for all the views (Thumbnails, List, Icons and Tiles) like Details view does. Can anyone help…

  • How to let Scrollbar appear after changing ImageSize?

    I'm using the UltraListView in Icon-View. For every Item i'm assigning an image. These images are 512x512 pixels in size.

    By default, the user sees the ListView with a smaller imagesize like 80x80 for example. He can then move a slider on the…

  • UltraListView with check boxes using AppStylist

    I have an UltraListView displayed as a list with checkboxes (using UltraListView.ViewSettingsList.CheckBoxStyle). We use the AppStylist with our application but I can't get the the checkboxes within the UltraListView to have the same look as a regular…

  • WinListView

    I am trying to use the Windows Forms WinListView as a ListBox.  I have been unable to figure out how to remove the default image that appears to the left of the main column.  My listView is very simple.  The style is set to List.  It contains just the main…

  • Thumbnail ListView -> white border around picture

    I adjusted the following properties of ListView:

    ImageSize = new Size(100,100);

    ItemSize = new Size(100,100);

    Spacing = new Size(0,0);

    But there some border (space between blue selection frame and image) exists. And

    How can I change it?

  • Re: UltraTree checkbox appearance

    it does not seem to work well with the List control i can get a handle on Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewItemContainerUIElement Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewUIElement and from here to the complete List but not…