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  • Animated Line Series using Motion Framework


    We have utilized the Motion Framework in our Scatter Chart series and it is really powerful feature in Infragistics controls suite. However I am wondering that can we also apply the same affect on LINE SERIES? I noticed on the below chart, they…

  • NetAdvantage For jQuery Chart – An HTML5/jQuery Chart Designed for Performance!

    Our new (CTP) NetAdvantage jQuery Chart, like its sibling, the XamDataChart is designed from the ground up for performance. Our customers can't get enough of the extreme performance available in the XamDataChart for Silverlight and WPF so we are doing…

  • MyWorldMaps in Detail

    Myworldmaps ( is a Silverlight client ,providing statistical information from Worldmaps  ( ) visualized with components of Infragistics. MyWorldMaps provides various methods of statistics based…

  • Motion Framework

    Hye, I have tried to use the simple motion framework which is the general implementation in the help.infragistics tutorial..i have followed the instruction but the problem is when i run the program,i cant see any motion from the chart..i need some help…

  • Re: world-stats Demo Open source

    Hello Avisynth,

    We are working on making the source code files available for download and it should happen very soon.
