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  • Issues while using XamWebgrid

    Hi I have few problems while implementing xamwebgrid. I am using VB as code-behind. 1. I need a easy way to bind xamweb grid. I dont find any helpful resource either on your documentation of local samples. I have WCF service returning list, now…
  • How do I set focus to the first row of the xamWebGrid programatically?

    I have xamWebGrid binding to a list and I would like to set focus to first row when application is launched, I have tried different ways, but no luck. Microsoft datagrid has a very simple way to do it. Can someone please help. Thanks



  • Few questions on xamGrid

    i am new to infragistics silverlight grid. So i have few questions 1. I am adding a row at the end of the grid, after commiting the data of previous column. But failed. Followed the way that described in local help file. Please help me in this. …
  • UltraGridCell loses his focus in IE7


     I can't find any solution for my problem:

    On my page a button ("ButtonAuswahl") allows adding a new row in an ultrawebgrid and input data in the 3rd cell of this row. After clicking this button the new row appears and the cell is activated and…