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  • igx-grid | empty state template

    I am currently working with the igx-grid component and have a question regarding the customization of the empty state template. I am looking to make adjustments not only to the text but also to the HTML structure to display an image along with a heading…

  • Single state for RowIslands + RowIsland onColumnInit not triggering?


    I was looking into state persistence for hierarchical grid and it seems like there is not out-of-the-box support for feature that I'm trying to implement so I'm looking for help here.

    I'm trying to implement such grid where user can save state…

  • Add state Persistence for Blazor Grids

    Can you look into adding some form of state persistence please on the columns so the user can save a grid layout including hidden columns and column orders.

  • While loading a state, sorting and filtering events will be fired as many times as the number of columns I have in my grid

    In our web project we have to occasionally save and load grid states. After implementing the functionality, which fetches a grid state from back-end and loads it, I saw that an angular component makes around 100 back-end requests. I checked what was happenning…
  • A practical guide to validation in Indigo Studio


     At times it is expected to showcase validation mechanism in prototyping. Since prototyping tools are solely meant to prototype, this sort of functionalities may not be available. However considering the totality it can be debated that validation…

  • Unknown state for a GridCell


    I'm using an UltraWinGrid in which one the cells has the following style: Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownList.

    I apply the isl file I attached to this post to change the styling (I zipped the file because isl file could…