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  • Top 5 Interactive Graphics of the 2012 Presidential Election

    As news outlets become more and more web centric, we see interactive graphics becoming more useful. The upcoming 2012 Presidential election has provided some interesting graphics, and here is a list of my top 5.

    1. NY Times Electoral Map http://elections…

  • UXify US 2017 | Conference Recap

    What is UXify?

    Infragistics held its 5th annual, US-based UXify event on Friday, 7 April 2017 at our global headquarters in Cranbury, NJ. UXify is our half-day user experience conference filled with presentations from thought leaders with unique perspectives…

  • A Frank Lloyd Wright Approach to Digital Design

    Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer, an Avant-Garde architect who broke free of the design traditions of his era. His ideals are still used in architecture today, and his buildings have stood the test of time, remaining relevant in today’s digital age. As…