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  • UltraWebTree v10.3 - update ig_webtree.js

    Taking a shot in the dark...I know this is an old, unsupported version and control but I am so close to getting this huge application working in Google Chrome I just have to give it a shot. So right now the app works fine in IE but some nodes do NOT trigger…

  • UltraWebTree

    Hi, My name is Ratheesh. I am using UltraWebTree for some time and when viewed it on IE9, I could see small square white in color present near to the '+' (expand) and '-' (collapse) symbol. There is no other issues. And it showing correctly on prior…
  • Re: UltraWebTree

    Hi, thanks for the reply. My question whether this 11.1 version supports Framework 3.5. Please let me know which latest version supports 3.5 framework. I need only UltraWebNavigator for the TreeView. Now am using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator…
  • How to access the primary key of a dropped node??

    Hi all,

    This is Sameer.  I have a question related to UltraWebTree(version 2009.2). I have a hierarchical data in DB in 3 levels. I have bound the data using Hierarchical Data source, where the SQL data source at each level is feed either by a stored procedure…

  • OnDemandLoad limitations?


    I am using infragistics v6.3 and have been experiencing some performance issues with the UltraWebTree onDemandLoad/LoadOnDemand feature. I have a large tree which is using multi selects with the lowest t levels setup to load on demand. When I select…

  • Tree Basics

    Hey guys... I'm not a really good .net guy so a lot of these basics elude me. 

    I just want to fill an UltraWebTree with hierch data from a DB.  I'm using a middle tier data class to pull data in so I suppose I have to fill the tree by hand in the…

  • 7-9 second delay when parent node is clicked

    I am experiencing a 7-9 second delay on expanding a node on a UltraWebTree. The collapse happens immediately as expected.

    This behavior only happens when you click the parent for the first time after that the delay does not happen.

    Why is this happening…

  • ultrawebtree Find Node by given text and select using Javascript

    I am not able to find the ultrawebtree node by text from client side.

    igtree_getTreeById() is not working.

    Thanks in advance,


  • How to programmatically select a node on tree load and navigate to its url

    Here is what I am trying to achieve. This tree is loaded from a data source with urls and I am trying to have the "Default" node automatically get selected when tree loads and also navigate to the url of that node in iFrame. I am able to get the node…

  • Re: Infragistic web tree does not cancel SelectionChanged event on client



    In my aspx code, I have an ultrawebtree:


    <ignav:UltraWebTree ID="tvwDevices" runat="server" DefaultImage=""  LoadOnDemand="ManualSmartCallbacks"

                                    HiliteClass="" HoverClass="" Indentation…

  • Ultrawebtree acting differently after 5.2 to 10.3 upgrade

    Recently I have upgraded my Infragistics controls from 5.2 version to 10.3 version for an old project. Everything is working fine, but one thing is happening unusual. When I am clicking the plus sign the node is expanding as usual but on click of minus…

  • Re: Infragistic web tree does not cancel SelectionChanged event on client


    Rather than uploading our webapp, I went ahead and created a simpler version.

    When I run this app and click on a node, a prompt asks me if I want to continue.  If I click on 'Cance', the POSTBACK stops as intended.  If I click on 'OK'…

  • Re: Infragistic web tree does not cancel SelectionChanged event on client

    Todor -

    Thanks for your response. I made a mistake when I posted to this question.  The problem I am having is with the 'UltraWebTree' not cancelling the postback and not the 'WebDataTree'.  I have two ultrawebtrees.  And one cancels the…

  • Set Behavioral Property with JavaScript or Cancel Drop Event


    I have a tree that has Drag & Drop enabled by default, but I want to the user to be able to toggle this functionality on and off without having to postback.  I've worked with Infragistics controls for a while now, but have pretty much always…

  • Error after upgrading to .NET 3.5

    Hi all

    This line of code fails to execute after upgrading to version 8.1 .NET 3.5

    UGTree.Levels(0).ColumnName = "SOME NAME"

    UGTree.Levels(level).ColumnName Class 'Levels' cannot be indexed because it has no default property. 

  • WebDataMenu Conflicting with ASP menu and ultrawebgrid when running in IE8.

    The assembly that we are using for WebDataMenu is:

    <add assembly="Infragistics2.Web.v9.1, Version=9.1.20091.2040, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB" />

    The grid and asp:menu is showing faulty in IE8, if we add webdatamenu…

  • How can I navigate page by clicking on XamWebTreeItem


    I have placed XamWebTree and i would like to open new page by clicking on the node in xamwebtree. Can you suggest.


    Thank you


  • Binding XamTreeItem IsExpanded

    I am trying to in the IsExpanded property to be bound two way so that the tree stays persistent throughout the life of the application.


    <igTree:XamTreeItem MouseLeftButtonDown="XamTreeItem_MouseLeftButtonDown"
  • Drag and Drop TAG from UltraWebTree


    i have a problem when i drag and drop an item from a UltraWebTree to a WebHtmlEditor: Always paste the text of item, i can't paste the tag of it. how can i do that??

    what i'm doing is in the DragStart javascript event, set the DataTransfer with…

  • UltraWebListbar: auto-resize issues

    Hi everyone!

    I’m using an UltraWebListbar component to create a “right-side” menu. The groups and items are created automatically, from a database. In one of the groups I have an UltraWebTree. My problem is that I get this ugly vertical and horizontal…

  • Re: UltraWebListbar: auto-resize issues

    Use this script for resize UltraWebListbar.


        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    // <!CDATA[

            var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
            var ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
            function resizeListBar…


    I am new to using warp so bare with me.  What I would like to do is not have my WebTree do a post back or anything.  I only what the pages in the webtree to come up since the web tree is in my master page.    I warp the right tool?  I have set no postback to…

  • WARP / UltraWebTree Bug?


    I'm populating an UltraWebTree by setting the LoadOnDemand="Manual" property in a WARP panel.

    On the server I'm handling both the NodeSelectionChanged and DemandLoad events to populate the parent nodes and child nodes…

  • error in UltraWebTab

    I try to use the UltraWebTab in my application, but I’m getting an error “Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'this._postBackSettings.async' is null or not an object” when I change between tabs.

    Please help me how to avoid this…

  • Problem with tabs...

    Hi, im having a ultrawebtab control which has two tabs with a ultrawebtree each. If im deleting a node of a tree, which is present in the first tab, the node image changes(I made it that way, instead of deleting the node). After that im navigating…