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  • Issue with validation of hidden editors.

    I have a form in which there are two sections.

    There are three possibilities for how it is displayed and they are:

    1. Section1 Visible, Section 2 Hidden
    2. Section 1 Visible, Section 2 Visible
    3. Section 1 Hidden, Section 2 Visible

    There are editors in both…

  • Validation "Entry is too long and was trimmed to xx symbols"

    I have a igTextEditor on an igDialog where the width is set to 200px and the Max Length is set to 8000.

    We build up the textbox control as a user control so that all text editors are given above mentioned settings, so it looks as follows


  • Do your editors support remote validation?

    I am trying to follow the guide here to use remote validation with the ig controls:-

    However when the page is rendered, I cannot find any of the data-val-remote attributes in the markup…

  • Set maxlength on TextEditor

    I have an MVC/Razor app using the Infragistics JQuery controls and I would like to limit the number of characters entered in a igTextEditor. On my page I have


  • jQuery Editors: How to get started and improve productivity and experience

    jQuery EditorsThe Infragistics jQuery package comes complete with a range of editor widgets to help with one of the most common tasks  - gathering information from the user and making sure it is the one you need (validating it). Part of the product from day one – speaks…

  • jQuery Editors: Rich client experience (part 2)

    jQuery editors rich client experienceTime for some more fiddling with the elaborate API of the jQuery Editors helping you deliver awesome experiences! Here’s the quick jump list for the previous articles:

  • jQuery Editors: Rich client experience

    jQuery editors for rich client experienceOnce you get to know Infragistics’ set of jQuery Editors you begin to realize they are packed with various options and all sorts of knobs to be tweaked. It’s quite the rich API and it can be put to good use to create awesome client-side experience for…

  • jQuery Editors: How to better guide users to the desired input

    jQuery Editors input - control and guideBeing client-side controls I consider the editor widgets to have two major responsibilities  - take some of the load of the server by preventing invalid user input from ever reaching it (various performance enhancements)and at the same time do their best…