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  • Sparkline integrated in WPF Data Grid

    This post is kind of a follow up, part two if you will, on integrating the XamSparkline – a XAML cross-platform control part of both NetAdvantage for WPF and Silverlight Data Visualization packages – into Infragistics grids’ cells.

  • Our Spakline integrated in a Grid

    With 11.2 we introduced the XamSparkline control, which is in essence a fully-functional chart but with the major addition of being extremely compact. This is so important as it is intended to fit inside a grid cell. While this control is still CTP in…

  • Styling Text/Value on XamDataGrid Field with IValueConverter Implementation


    I have a quick question. In XamDataGrid's particular field, I need to display blank string instead of 0 value. This field is bound to Quantity (Int64) field in my record.
    I need to know how should I style the CellValuePresenter for that field to…