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  • XamSyntaxEditor help required to highlight custom words

    Dear Support Team,

     In my company we are using the XamSyntaxEditor to represent our own custom language which contains the following keywords:



    and so on. 

    Now, what we are trying to do in addition is to highlight the…

  • Customizing the XAML Syntax Editor

    Customizing the XAML Syntax Editor.The XAML Syntax Editor is pretty awesome control – I mean being able to create your own code editor is one and then just customize language and coloring and… add the fact that you can split the view and be on at line 50 and 500 at the same time and making…

  • How to get started with the XAML Syntax Editor

    XAML Syntax Editor - How to get startedThe XamSyntaxEditor is one of the recent additions to the Infragistics toolset. It made an odd voyage from being announced as a CTP not  with a release, but with a service release a bit over two months ago. And now it is on route to a XAML project near…