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  • Using Custom Grouping in the Silverlight XamGrid

    You’ve talked to your users about showing those inventory levels records in the NetAdvantage for Silverlight XamGrid. They’ve mentioned  they would like to see inventory stock levels categorized in groups corresponding to how soon they have…

  • Grouping by Two Columns


    I have a XamWebGrid (see and when I group that grid by two columns and remove the groupings the whole application crashes when I remove the last grouping. The error message I get is:


  • TabControl and GroupBy


    I'm using XamGrid inside a TabControl with 3 Tab's.

    In the first Tab is allowed to make the GroupBy from the grid while in the other's Tab GroupBy is hide.

    What is happening is that in the last Tab the GroupBy is to overlap the header of…

  • Grouping With Dictionary

    This relates to the previous question I made which can be found here:

    I got it working but now I need also grouping. Previously I used PagedCollectionView object for grouping with SL3 built-in datagrid…

  • Exception in Grid while Grouping

    I am using the grid and I have a number of unbound columns...

    This only happens while the grid has grouping enabled, when I change a value of a cell it throws this error....

    I can give more information if needed, I am going to try to throw together a…