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  • WebDateChooser in UltraWebGrid not working in IE 9, Date Retrieved as Null in Firefox and Chrome

    Hi All,
    I am using Infragistics Version=8.1.20081.1000. I have 3 columns in UltraWebGrid. In the first column UltraGrid column i have Date, in second Time and in Third Activity Hours. When Clicking Add New row button, new row gets added and the previous…

  • WebDateChooser value does not update cell value.

    We just upgraded to 9.2 build 2056 and our embedded controls no longer change the cell value in the grid.

    I have a attached a small example web site showing this behavior.


  • WebDateChooser in Grid - Won't Add/Update Data

    I have a grid that works perfectly fine until I add a WebDateChooser to it. Once I add the WebDateChooser, the it will not allow me to add or update data in the grid...It appears to, but it's not actually adding or updating the data in SQL Server.…