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  • DataSource Class within a Class what to put in the Key field for bind


    This is my class structure.  How do I reference the Name property of the Details class, it currently fails and throws a javascript error with no data in the Name field.  Forgive my syntax if it's incorrect as this is an example that follows the concept…

  • Databind object class

    Hi.. I'm trying of databind a List<> of a class A.. I have a reference to another class B in the class A.

    public class Customer
            public String name;
            public Person _person;
    public class Person
            public String LastName;

    Now, suppose I have…

  • UpdateRow event does not fire on updates

    I have an ultrwebgrid bound to a sqldatasource.  The UpdateRow event fires when I add a row, along with the AddRow event, but it does not fire when I update a row.  I think I have all the AllowUpdate type fields set.  The adding of rows run fine.  I have…

  • Reg: cannot extract AJAX enabled Ultrawebgrid cell values from server side code

    Dear All,
    We are using Ultra webgrid in our web application with the following properties Browser="Xml" and LoadOnDemand="Xml" and AllowPaging="True" MinimumPagesForDisplay="10" PageSize="10". We have load 20,000 records in to grid it will displays…
  • Freeze column when not using a datasource

     I am using UltraWebGrid to populate data in a hierarchical format. I populate the data through code (row by row). There are 23 columns in the grid. I want to freeze the first two columns so that they will always be visible when the user scrolls the gird…

  • Webmenu + Drilldown +WebHierarchicalDataSource

    I am trying to use the ultrawebmenu with a WebHierarchialDataSource in this case 2 SqlDataSource objects (Parent-Child)  Has anyone attempted this and if so could they provide an example?  The type of Menu I want is the drill down version.

  • Double Columns when data is bound

    I created a basic page with a webgrid on it.  Created the four columns I care about (for now) 

    Column1 | Column2 | Column3 | Column4

    I then create my datatype with the information for the columns, set it to the datasource, and bind that to the grid.


  • DataSource Paging

    My code is set up to do paging at the DataSource level. Up until now I was using the Microsoft GridView. It supports normal DataSource paging. DataSource paging is very simple. The grid asks for a page of data from the DataSource and then the DataSource…

  • binding a webgrid

     I am a newbie on Infragistics 2008.1. Previously we used 2006.3 for .Net 1.1.

     My dilemma is that I am trying to create a grid, design the columns (some hidden, and other kids of formatting) and bind it to data. For .Net 1.1 I used to simply create a dataset…

  • Web Grid different drop downs lists on different bands


    I have ran into the situation where I have a hierarchical web grid with 2 levels. The first level is a single column with company names.

    The second level has several columns one of them is name. I have changed the name column to be a drop down…

  • problem with WebCombo in design mode


    I try to use WebCombo in my web application. I put 4 webCombo on my page. And each webcombo is linked with a datasource. I defined differents options in design mode. But when I come back in the code, my UltraGridColumn are modified. The default UltraGgridColumn…

  • Preventing WebCombo from throwing an exception on render when the datasource is null or does not contain the DataTextField or DataValueField column.

    I have a WebCombo that will always have a DataTextField and DataValueField specified, but sometimes, its DataSource will be null or will not contain matching columns.  In this case, I would like the combo to be visible but unusable.

    What do you guys think…