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  • Excel export not exporting conditional rendering

    Hi Team,

    I have template formatting for one of the columns in the grid which renders data depending on the condition. When I am trying to export that grid to excel, the conditional formatted data is not showing up in excel.

    Please find below the example…

  • igGrid with cell template - how access parent to change style


    I'm using igGrid of IgniteUI 2018.

    I have a grid where the background color of the the column should switch to red if the text is error. My current soultion is

    js file:


    { headerText: 'Status' , key: 'TankStatus' , width: "150px", dataType:…

  • how align div combo template in iggrid cell?


    I have combo template like below and need to align the whole thing to the right inside the iggrid cell,

    how to do it?                       

         pagerRendered: function (evt, ui) {

                                                   var dataSource = ui.dataSource.recordsForPage(ui.owner.pageIndex());

                                                   $.each(dataSource, functi…

  • how align div combo templete inside cell


    I have combo template like below and need to align it to the right insde cell,

    how to do it?                       

         pagerRendered: function (evt, ui) {

                                                   var dataSource = ui.dataSource.recordsForPage(ui.owner.pageIndex());

                                                   $.each(dataSource, function (index, row) {


  • Nested {{if}} in igGrid html temlplate

    I've read this question here about multiple if blocks inside a template, but my question is a little different. I'm needed a nested if, so more like:

    {{if condition}}


    {{if anotherCondition}}

    <added html>




  • Need two hyperlinks in one cell in iggrid

    Hi Team,

    In my screen i am uploading a file to server and then it do some operation on other side.

    Once the file is uploaded in the server and database table  is updating with the user details and file details.

    My grid is displaying the user and file…

  • iggrid template for JS

    Hi team,

    I have a requirement to set the background color as grey for the cell having value blank for particular column.I have used Template to implement the same.

    PFB the code written for the same:

    headerText: "OPTIMIZATION (STEP 6)",
  • Adding a css class to row based on condition; GridModel approach

    Straight forward question. Do I have to use the column template? I'd much rather just add the class to the tr row. Class will be added based on data from a column in the row. I few things about my grid; I'm using GridModel approach with Remote Paging…

  • Using different template engines with Ignite UI controls

    header imageCreating an application is not only about making it functional it is about how the users will react to it. Did you know that when you create a mobile app for example a user decides in the first 10 seconds whether he likes it or not? So imagine how will…