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  • Customer Experience Guru Mark Hurst at Infragistics

    Recently, we had the great pleasure to welcome Mark Hurst to the Infragistics headquarters. Mark is the founder of the well-known annual GEL conference in New York City. He’s also the founder and CEO of Creative Good, a consulting and services company…

  • The Magic is in the Details: The Beauty of Well Designed Micro-interactions and the Horror of Badly Designed Ones


    What are microinteractions? Microinteractions are the tiny details of a process that create the flow from beginning to completion. Dan Saffler defines Microinteractions as single moments within a use case.  They are discreet touch points that support…

  • McMansion Problems - Don’t Design for the Extras

    There is a blog that I love called McMansion Hell  –  you know those crazy monster houses built in bulk starting in the 1980’s? They are usually found in great clusters and sometimes on very small pieces of property relative to their immense size;…

  • The Stroop Effect and its Implications in UX Design

    What happens when your brain is trying to process conflicting streams of information? Let’s find out.

    Read this list of colors to yourself:












    Piece of cake right? You are only concentrating…

  • The UX of Working With You

    The creative process can be an emotional roller coaster for both designers and clients alike.  Clients must trust the design team to conceive a solution that will meet the needs of their customers. The experience our client has throughout the design process…