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  • Excel-Style Filtering for the ASP.NET AJAX Grids

    A closer look at our range of grid controls across platforms can reveal a certain trend when it comes to filtering – the Windows Forms Grid, the WPF specific XamDataGrid and the cross-platform XamGrid – they all allow for a number of different filtering…

  • Infragistics XAML Excel Engine New Features

    Recently (read: the latest release) the Infragistics Excel engine got a set of neat enhancements to further improve the control you have over exported or imported files. For those that are not yet familiar – it’s a library that allows you to create and…

  • Filter Editor Style

    I have created a style for all XamComboEditors, so that I can override how the dropdown button looks. I have done so with this simple style, which is placed in my application resources:

    <Style TargetType="{x:Type igEditors:XamComboEditor}"…
  • change ultrawebgrid header filter icon

    How do I change the filter icons in the UltraWebGrid? I have looked all over and tried different style properties, and have looked through the intellisense properties. I can't figure out how to use my own filter icon. It appears to be built into infragistics…